Is at that place ever a justification for being "re-baptized"? I have questioned my baptism. I was very young and actually did not cover the seriousness of what I was doing. I have considered being baptized over again, but some say that it would not be correct to be baptized a 2nd fourth dimension.

Your question is a very legitimate one. In that location are some people, fifty-fifty amongst religious leaders, who oppose whatsoever course of re-baptism.

For example, in 1996, the General Conference of the United Methodist Church at a convention conducted in Denver, Colorado debated the matter of re-baptism. A position paper issued by the conference alleged that Methodists who were baptized as infants should never be baptized again. The document explicitly stated:

"Whether a baptized infant grows up to be a professing Christian or not, that baptism stands valid."

This position is flawed in many particulars, having no scriptural back up any.

New Testament Precedent for Being Immersed a Second Fourth dimension

While on his third missionary campaign, the apostle Paul came to the city of Ephesus. There, he encountered twelve men who formerly had been baptized with the type of baptism administered by John the Baptizer.

One might exist inclined to conclude, therefore, that the apostle would have accepted these men as they were and simply organized them into a church.

Just such was non the case. Later questioning them as to the nature of their earlier baptism and determining that their pre-baptism instruction on the previous occasion had been defective in essential details, Paul immersed these men into Christ (run across Acts 19:i-5). A unproblematic agreement of the text reveals that their first baptism was deficient in some manner.

And here is an extremely important implication of this instance of re-baptism. The example clearly demonstrates that in order for one'south baptism to be valid, accurate teaching and understanding must precede the rite. Otherwise, the act of baptism is a meaningless practise and non based on faith (Rom. 10:17).

True Baptism — A I-time Act

Genuine baptism is needed only one fourth dimension in a person'south life. Once a person has been baptized according to the full complement of scriptural instructions, he or she never has the need to echo this new-nativity process (cf. Jn. 3:three-5).

After a person has entered the family unit of Christ through baptism (1 Cor. 12:13; cf. Gal. 3:26-27), he is a function of the church, the household (family unit) of God (1 Tim. iii:xv; cf. Eph. two:19-22). The new Christian has access to all of the spiritual benefits of the in-Christ relationship (Eph. 1:iii).

Equally a son or girl of God inside that sacred environment, the Christian prays to the heavenly Male parent for his or her personal needs by means of prayer (see Acts eight:22, 24; cf. Jas. 5:16) — including forgiveness for sins as we fail to live perfectly before God (cf. i Jn. 1:8; ii:one).

Qualifications for Baptism

Unfortunately, there are many in today'southward world of Christendom that exercise a form of what they call "baptism."

When we compare what is practiced and taught by many with what the Bible teaches, we can meet that a variety of doctrinal errors have developed that are not found in God'due south give-and-take. Those corruptions invalidate a baptism and arrive of none effect.

Therefore, many who have been administered what was called "baptism" but, in fact is not true biblical baptism, need to exist baptized again — this fourth dimension with a more accurate agreement that precedes the outcome, but like the case in Acts nineteen:one-5.

Here are some situations in which re-baptism would exist warranted.

Baptism without faith or understanding

If ane was "baptized" as an infant, thus was defective personal faith (Mk. 16:16; Acts 11:21), he should repudiate the meaningless before rite in which he had no decision-making power, even though his parents were sincere in subjecting him to the procedure.

In 18-carat religion, he should submit to the control in the proper style. Infants accept neither the need nor the ability to respond to the gospel of Christ.

The aforementioned would exist truthful for young children too young or young to understand their accountability to the program of conservancy.

Information technology is a tender thing to detect young children who want to please God. Simply many times, their desire precedes their understanding and accountability for personal sin.

If an adult concludes that they need to exist re-baptized because they were baptized as an baby or as a sincere only immature child, we would encourage them to be immersed in faith and obedience. Thus, they tin be bodacious of the forgiveness of their sins. Their decision volition bring peace of mind and confidence past knowing they are obeying God from the middle with full understanding.

Baptism without immersion

If one was "baptized" in some fashion other than by immersion, then he needs to be baptized with the proper form. The discussion "baptism" literally translated ways immersion, not sprinkling or pouring.

Truthful baptism pictures the burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The sinner is cached in h2o and raised from this symbolic grave (cf. Rom. 6:3-4; Col. 2:12) only every bit the Lord was buried and and then raised from the dead.

True baptism validates and proclaims ane's religion in the death and resurrection events. Being sprinkled with water or having h2o poured upon the caput is no baptism at all. Such substitutes are without sanction in the New Testament. They are mail service-churchly innovations.

Baptism without repentance

Baptism without true repentance is also ineffectual. I once heard about a man who emerged from the baptismal pool, turned to his wife, and said: "I hope yous're satisfied!"

No who is baptized without proper motive (and other prerequisites) tin accept validity in the divine scheme of things. Fifty-fifty John warned those who came to be baptized for a testify without repentance. Merely God'south wrath awaited those who were baptized with such false pretenses (Mt. iii:vii).

Baptism without faith

If one is "baptized" without a audio religion, the ritual would exist of no avail.

One might experience, for instance, that Jesus was a proficient man, peradventure even a "perfect man" — as the "Jehovah's Witnesses" criminate. As sincere as these may be, they deny that Christ is the Son of God (i.eastward., deity).

And yet, for various other reasons, they might desire to be baptized. But baptism grounded on faux organized religion cannot exist accounted as 18-carat.

Baptism without purpose

If one has yielded to baptism for some purpose other than that which is supplied past God's word, he has not obeyed the Lord.

Baptism is never defined as "an outward sign of an inward grace." Information technology is not a mere representation of redemption for those who accept already received forgiveness.

The purpose of baptism is "for the remission of sins" (Acts 2:38), to have sins "washed away" (Acts 22:sixteen), to put the candidate "into Christ" (Rom. 6:3-4; Gal. three:26-27), or into his "torso" (1 Cor. 12:13). At this point, he is "saved" (Mk. 16:sixteen; 1 Pet. three:21).

The common resistance to the biblical proposition that baptism comes before salvation constitutes a bold rejection of the plain testimony of Scripture. One cannot be immersed "for the remission of sins" (Acts ii:38), if he believes his sins have been remitted already.

Your soul is too valuable, the plan is too simple and the remedy as well easy to admission to risk — hoping that a former "baptism" volition be alright in spite of the deficiencies associated therewith.

If you lot have whatever question about a previous baptism, I would encourage you to be rubber and adjust for your baptism according to your informed knowledge.

If we may assist you lot in this regard, feel free to contact united states for counsel.